Thursday, April 28, 2011

Traditional and Contemporary

So, given the assignment to mix something traditional and something contemporary, I decided to compare the difference in public service announcements. I've always liked PSA's from the early cold war era, finding them to be pretty funny. So I mixed one of my favorites- "Duck and Cover"- about how to protect yourself from a nuclear bomb, with a recent British PSA about texting and driving. I ripped the videos from youtube (being PSA's, they are public domain anyways), and mashed them together using a video editing tool, layering one's audio on top of the other's video. I have enough experience doing this sort of thing, so it all went according to plan. The only problem that arose was that, by mistake, I had left a tiny bit of clip at the 11 minute mark or so. This caused 2 and a half minutes of my finished project, then 8 minutes of silence and blackness, then a little bit more clip. I had just completely forgotten about leaving that there, but I fixed it anyways. I like this finished project- it could be better, but I don't exactly enjoy editing video, so I don't really want to spend too much time doing it.

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